TNA- Tailings News Alerts
Up-to-date News and Information on Tailings Dams and Engineered TSFs
NEWSMAKERS: * AECOM * ATA Technology * BHP * Brumadinho * Cadia * Doce River * ExcelPlas * Fundao * Geotube™ * Mini-Dredgers * Newcrest * Paterson & Cooke * Phoenix Tailings * Samarco * SRK * Takraf * Tailings Dam Failure * TNA * TSF * VALE
BHP Faces Record US$9.7 Billion Fine over Brazil Tailings Dam Disaster
Brazil Orders Vale, BHP and Samarco to Pay $9.7 Billion In Damages for Tailings Dam Disaster
Cadia TSF Failure Assessment Considering Triggering and Post-triggering Mechanisms
Numerous recent failures of tailings storage facilities (TSFs) (e.g., the 2019 Brumadinho failure in Brazil, the 2018 Cadia failure in Australia) have occurred in the last decade, providing important case histories and lessons to improve the design of TSF facilities.
Innovative Solutions for Dry Stack Tailings
Multi-Dimensional Tailings Standard Demands Varied Disciplines
Interdisciplinary Knowledge Base is Key to Tailings Compliance
Future Element JV to Perform Tailings Dewatering Studies using ATA® Technology for BHP
DON’T MISS upcoming Paterson & Cooke Tailings Course June 11 – 14, 2024
AECOM Hiring Director of Tailings for Queensland Role
BHP Seeking Principal Spence Conventional Tailings for Chile Role
Integrated Application of Geophysical Methods in Earth Dam Monitoring
Simulation of Breaching of Laboratory-Scale Earth Tailings Dams by Overtopping with XBeach
Phytoremediation Potential of 14 Salix Clones Grown in Pb/Zn and Cu Mine Tailings
Oxidative Weathering of Neutral Mine Drainage from Gold Mine Tailings
Urban Mine Tailings and Efflorescent Crusts: Unveiling Health Implications in Mexico
Productive Use of Baryte Tailings for Radiation Shielding in Plastics and Nuclear Waste Disposal
How to Get Noticed by More Than 45,000 People in the Tailings Space Across the Globe
TNA reaches over 45,000 people each month and this high level of audience engagement comes from years of creating content that matters to the mining industry.
We provide the industry’s most reliable and current information, and have the trust and attention of the leaders and decision makers.
Not only can we help you get in front of our highly engaged audience, but we also have a number of channels you can use to target your message – as well as the subject matter experts to put it all together.
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